Papers and Abstracts


Impact of National Insurance System in Fertility Treatment System

Chang Woo Choo

2021年度 年次大会-講演抄録韓国の今から日本の未来を考える

学会講師:Chang Woo Choo


Globally, burden of infertility is increasing and needs to infertility treatments is also challenging issue. South Korea is also no exception and even worse in the aspect of aging and fertility rate.
From October 2017, Korean National Health Insurance (NHI)started to provide insurance coverage for infertility procedures for people who were diagnosed infertile. In particular, from 2019, it removed the limit on household income and age.
Approximately 70% of infertile patients have coverage for infertility treatment including medical examination. The insurance policy for infertile patients supports approximately 1,600 USD for a fresh cycle, 800 USD for a frozen cycle. Instead, the use of off-label has been strictly restricted.
T h e s e  p o li c y  c h a n g e s  c o u l d  p r o vi d e  opportunities for associated reproductive treatment and further have an effect positively as an alternative to low birth rates.
